1 ITKMN OF INTEREST. J. Haner. No. 167 Taylor st between Bedford ant lice Tiansce Bra lane sveltea.
Jet painting Local Items Local Items Tue lendly 81 -118 had then be hue Park 'Ine ferryinal la on the onal dock stop peed en al The Lumber a A D. at la Leing put in plane In the Teent, 4 elite. the super of Super futentent A 1 atento-1 mania Mail, bulge Moot bae thie The 04,000 wIll spent the Intended for the of the famille the be sent blef with, Jesson, 140 FInis Ute The of erecting the Episcopal Church al tho Ila avenue, has outhoutel he peel bee been ved to real the and will Into a hoband THE Mustin Madigan Ananciation, of point, lani evening the heeds of their esoureion to the lot of August, to the faut lice of the 1 jerk and Halsht, who Bakery Are on the Tal of June The Jester's Rattle. "Have I your eye? naked a Prookien wirl, da abs tor in the eye with her an archery incetling Horenfter, divers on Englinh slips will be supplied wit telephouce volte from the deep' will to an established then. Brooklyn bar tenders report the sale of tante Black Jack Cocktails that Cleveland Lilles.
show which way the wiud blows, oh? Cincinnati has a soda fountain called the blissard. We know water would raise wind, but the bilasard puta it rather highs. -Coquehoot, or poppy red, la the favorite shade red thie summer, This la tho satue color displayed on the poses of delegates returned from Ohibago, -A man in Birmingham, England, proposes to live a month ou cold toa. This la no rewarkablo feet. We have Congressmon who live four months on cold les and get lat on it.
An exchange coming a burden to fornians should not worry them. Look with Ben Butler. says the grasshopper becertaiu parte of California, Dalilet little things like grassboppers bow Massachusetta moves along -An exchange says: "'Long Branch has been an motor's resort for forty -Long Branch has a fortnidable rival in Union Square, New York. Even Sammy Tilden can't remember when they fret bogan to congregate there -A Brooklyn avenue young lady says abe viaits Ooney Leland frequently and wishes to know the best place for bathing There la only one place kbow of for Ladies to bathe, and that 18 in the water. Men bathe in a bar-rootu generally.
-Dashing young ladies wear seaside costumes of Turkey red cotton, with guimpes of white embroidery. Just think what a dashing for cover there would be if some one turned a masculine gender Bovine 1 loose when they were taking a stroil on the beach. -An exchange says: "Boston wants to photograph those of its old landmarks which it cannot afford to preserve, Well, we have no objeotion, only we wish to suggest that the photographer gets his camera insured before he takes Ben Butler and John L. Sullivan. -The Prince of Wales is reported to have inspired hisses at Bernhardt in London recently.
That's rough, but Bernhardt will have great satisfaoton in knowing that she will be remembered when the Prince of Wales will be forgotten (except by the heirs of bin creditora,) George, Mary, that street car conductor gave ine a five-ceut piece with hole in IL Bents all bow I get stuck on this blasted mutilated coln bualness," said Murray to bis wife. "Never mind; put 16 in the contribution box at church Sunday. Everybody does that," replied Mra. M. -In St.
Louis, says one of its newspapers, four-Afths of the inhabitanta have taken to obewing gum. St. Louis la evidently coming up in the world. if they advance an rapidly in the future ten years as they have in the past ten, they will be chewing glue. But what a laughable sight 18 must be to see a St.
Louis girl's ears flap at every motion of ber mastiontor. -A Georgia cow that was killed last week was found to have a ten dollar gold piece in its entrails. The coin was a little worn, but was otherwise all right. These Georgia cows must be wonders or else editors prevaricate terribly down there. Ouly last week they found a cow with a lot of hairpins inside of her, Give us some easy ones for a while now, please.
Full Credit Given. It is improper to tip waiter girls in hotel dinIng-rooms. Be just, and fee her not. -Ver Orleane Picay une, An Oswego hotel clerk is so humbled by the loss of bis diamond that he actually permits drummere to call him by his first name -Buffalo Express. has been discovered to be the real cause of yellow fever.
This will augment very much the prevalling dread of the disease. -Burlington Free Press. Patti will return to this country the first week 1p November. Some of her London friends olaim that she intends to make next winter's visit her farewell to Attlerios. The country will then be given abance to pay off the national debt.
-Boston Post. A fashion exchange says: "Beaded slippers, once so popular for the ladies, have almost entirely disappeared." The beads doubtless have a tendency to Ay of and got when the slippers are used for corfective purposes. -Philadelphia Call. And pow when will the next expedition leave for the North pole? No time should be wasted in making a start, as the said pole will become so stuok up at its; in eluding pursuit that when we do And it it'll take the whole American navy to bring 1t home- Lowell Citizen, "May I have the pleasure of seeing you home be bashfully asked. "Certainly," ale gradously replied.
"There in a bigh bill just in front of the fb house, cow or, if you Go prefer it, you can olimb a big trep the lot. any where where you can goi 8 good view. -Attaburg Chronicle Telegraph. "How long have you been in the mining oountry 9" asked the tourist. "Ever since '68," replied the native anything "Yes," said the gold hunter: struck bottom, Aret year." "And," he added, plaintively, "I've been there ever since.
Stand a fellow grab stake, "I say, Jim, do you know the difference between a dah and a WODIAD persaotly. What le the dimculdy "Ther's po difference; they is just ther same. If you drop line to either of them you are apt to get them on string. Do you tumble yes, It's a little soaly, and I think it's rather fishy story. Pretsel's Weekly.
Mrs. Judge Carpenter made arrangements to hire a colored lady to do the cooking, or at least she thought she had made arrangements, but she was mistaken. do my own marketing, and I shall expeot you to accompany me," said Mra, Carpenter. we can't agree, I nebber allows myself ter be seen on de streets in company wid anybody who carries a Stings. "Did you know," he said, in a bushed, awed tope, "that unscrupulous dealers use glue in their ice cream to give it 'Armness "No," she responded in ad even the voice, bottom as of the clinked her spoon suggestively against empty saucer, even 18 were true, 1 abould never feel stuok up over one plateful." And he silently groaned as he ordered in a second allowance.
-Rookland Courier Gasette. Having had occasion to have a large tooth removed I had recourse to Dr. Kimbell's services, and can certify that bis "'Soporative Process" made the operation a painless one, and left no unpleant after-effeota, Respeotfully, Henry Blata, Pastor Leonard St. M. E.
Church. Gold Alloy Cast Dental Plate, It is a good conductor of beat and cold, preventing heat and dryness of the mouth. It does pot tarnish and keeps perfectly sweet and clean. Every plate warranted in every respect. G.
F. Reese, 45 Eighth street. Window Screens 15 cents 20 cents per and aquare work our motto. Downes Promptness Turk, foot, We continue to lead. manufacturers of Picture Frames.
(Fine gold work and regilding a specialty.) 66 Fourth at. Disinfect and 'Prevent -The cheapplace to get preparations No. 1, 2, 8, rooted by the Board of Health is at Douglass' Family Drug Store, 68 Wyshe are, Copperas 6 cente per pound. Ayer's Onthartio Pills promptly relieve the stomach, correct foul breath and an unpleasant taste and cure constipation. WEDDINGS AND PARTIES with the style and and FOR SALE- -REAL ESTATE.
boy The 2223 POLE AT CHEAP ON 1. 1, Miles OH DAL Man FOR SALE. PIANOS. BROOKLYN TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1884. EXCURSIONS, SUMMER TOURS EXCURSIONS EMBRACING MIner, lake, Braelde mad Mountain to Rail and Steamer Lines.
pore. A CURRIONG TI REST POINT NEW BE A 18 FANE TRIP ME will on Meals will at polar pal. Spental fur largo parties, BU Acting Paper To bot Agent Philatelphia RAILROADS. MAIL NO AD. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Long Branch, FILM Stationa foot of Doabroames Bt.
and foot of Courtlandt St. Splendid Passenger Cars. Pullman Parlor Cars. Leave New York en Week Dave Len re New York on Nanda re 9 OU A ADd IN RETURNING TRAIN Lease Long Branch on Week- Days 1.00, 16, 8, 38 Limited). sad 8.50 aid lu IN F.
M. Leave Long Branch on Hundava 4 4 and 50 el to and from Brooklyn A tines Boats, which ply betwenu Jereny City an.1 Font of Fulton street, Brooklyn Ticketa, Baggage and full information may be obtained at the following offices of the lompany. New York: Nos. M49 and 435 Broadway. No.
1 Astor House, No. 944 Broadway. Station Foot Deebtusnes street, Station Foot Courtiandt street, blation Jersay Cit. Busch's flutel, lloboken. Brooklyn: No.
4 Court street. Brooklyn Annex Station, Foot of Fulton OHAS PUGH. J. R. WOOD.
General Manager. General Passenger Agent. TO CATER ILL MOUNTAIN By the Picturesque Double Track WEST SHORE ROUTR. Only all rail line to the ('stakilla. PULLMAN BUFFET PARLOR CARS, BAGGAGE CARS AND COACHES RUN THROUGH.
TIME TABLE NOW IN EFFEOT. Via Kingston, Union Depot. Ly, Brooklyn Annex, ft. R. Fulton Lv.
Jersey City. Penn. R. U. Union D.
West Hurley. U. a D. Ar. Olive U.
D. Browns 0. Ar. Broadbeads. U.
Ar. Snokan AD Ar. D. Ar. Mount Pleasant D.
Ar. 0. D. Ar. Fox D.
Ar. Sbandaken. D. Ar. Big Indian.
Ar. Pine Hill D. Ar. Summit, Grand Hotel Ar. Griffins.
Ar. Ark ville, Ar. Kelly's Ar. Haloottrille. Ar.
Roxbury. Ar. Grand Gorge Ar. Stamford Ly. Phoenicia Stony Clove (Kasterskill Ar Ar.
Tannerille. Ar Haines Ar. Laurel House. Ar Kaaterskill Sta A. M.
A. M. P. st. 9.00 11.00 8.00 0.
Stat'n 9. 891 11. 8.46 Depot 19. 16 9.86 6.80 R. R.
8.08 6.50 18.86 8, 88 7.11 R. 7.18 R. R. R. 1 80 7.83 R.
R. 4.01 17.88 K. R. 1.09 4.10 7.46 R. R.
1.18 4.90 7.64 R. R. 14. 80 18.06 R.R. 1.89 4.84 8.10 R.
1.40 4.40 8.11 R. R. 8.00 4.08 8.37 2.07 5.06| M. 5.19 5,30 P. M.
5. 39 6.46 6.00 6.171 40l Runs Stamf' and P. P. R. Rs.
1. 90 4.06 8.00 8.15 6.00 8.50 2.18 5.03: 6.58 9.24 6.09 9.04 5. 9.08 2, 80 9.10 P. M. P.
M. P. M. Hotel conveyances meet all trains at Kaaterskill, for Hotel Kaaterskill and Catskill Mountain House. VIA CATSKILL VILLAGE.
On and after June 80, 1884. Be Annex, Penn. R. ft. R.
Fulton st. 8.45 8.00 Ar. Ostagill Village, 19. 88; 7.13 Lv. ME.
R. K. 19. 88 7.18 Ar. Leeds South 1.00 7,40 Monntain House 1.20 8.00 Ar.
Palenville. 8, 10 M. Stages connect at South Cairo for Cairo, Durham, Acra, East Windham; from Mountain House Station to Catskill Mountain House, and from Palenville to Hotel Kaaterskill, Purchase Round Trip Tickets and Save Money. Excursion Trokets and Time Tables. In Brooklyn: No.
4 Oourt st. Annex Office, foot of Fulton st. 838 Fulton 7 DeKalb av. and corner of Fulton st. and In Williamsburgh: 107 Broadway.
In Jer sey Gity: Penn. R. R. Station. RENRY MONETT, 94 State N.
8:95, 4:25, (5:95 P. M. Saturdays only east of Riverhead.) Sundays 8:56 Sag Harbor, 8:80 A. 8:86, 4:95. (6:95 P.
Saturdays only east of Patchogue.) Sundays 8:56 A.M. Patchogue, 8:80, 11:00 A. 3:95, 4:95, 5:95 P. M. Sundays 8:26 and 8:56 Babylon, 8:00, 8:30, 4:95, 5:25, 1.
P. M. Sundays 8:25 and 8:55 4:85 156 P. M. Fire Island 8:90 A P.
M. Port Jefferson, 9:00 A. 8:66, 4:55 Sundays, 8:55 A. 6:30 P. M.
Northport, Huntington, 9:00 A. 3:55, 4:56, 6:30 P. Sundays, 8:56 A. 6:30 P. M.
Locust Valley, Glen Cove, 8:80, 9:00 1:80, 8:65, 4:65, 6:96, 6:80 P. M. Sundays, 9125 6:80. 9:10 Far Rockaway, 8:00, 10:00, 11:00 A. 1:56, 8:56, 4:56, 6, 7 P.
M. (19:15 night, Wedneedays and Saturdays only.) Sundays 8:26, 9:26, 10:66 A. 1:65, 9:66, 4:95 P. M. Garden Oity, Hempstead, 8:90, 9:00 4.
1:80, 1:26, 6:80 (9:80 P. daily except Saturday.) (19:15 night, and only.) Sundays 8:58 M. (9:95 A. Garden Oity only.) 1:80, 6:80, 9:80 P. M.
Long Beach, 8100, 10:00, 11:00 A. 1:65, 8:56, 4:56, 6 6:00, P. M. Last train from Long Beach 10:00 P. M.
Sundays, 8:95, 9:05, 10:30 4. 1:40, 4:10, 6:40 P. M. Last rain from Lone Beach P. M.
BILLIARDS. A "SOLUTELY designs LARGEST best goods ASSORT- for the MORE ON AS WERE BALK successors Collender the J. M. Brunswick Baike and the H. Manufacturers of Billiard and Pool Tables.
Office and Manufactory, foot of Bight East River. New 860 Broadway, corner Serenteenth street. (Union square), NEW Brooklyn Branch, 99 Boerum place. SPECIAL NOTICES. 30 DAYS' DR.
TRIAL. DYES PLEOTRIC VOLTAIC BELT, and other ELECTRIC We will sent on Thirty Days Trial, TO MEN, YOUNG OR OLD. who are suffering from NERVOUS DEBILITT, LOST VITALITY, and those dis. of PERSONAL NATURE, resulting from and OTHER CAUSES Speedy relief and complute restoration to HEALTH, VIGOR and MANHOOD GUARAN. TEED.
SEND at once for iNastrated Pamphlet, Address VOLTAIC BELT Marshall. Mich. 1AS S. ELLIS. NO.
DIVISION AVE. informs her friende and the pubbe that she is prepared to work buston-boles in the manner and st abort police. BUSINESS CARDS. A RORITES: AND 120 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET, BROOKLYN R. D.
Conne tian to and from Brooklyn, via Artier Boats, from Brooklyn Bridge Pier, A A MANA DO ALL BRA MINOTON 18 A PFF A (AL FREEHOLD at 1 4, 6. 7.30 KE WOOD TOM'S RIVER and BARNEGAT BRIDGETON aL 1 P. NEW JERSEY SOUTHERN DIVISION. FROM PIER A NORTH RIVER. VIA MANDY HOOK COMMENCING JUNK I 19L Lang eto st 11 4 44, 4.
Sunday, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS AS 4 AL POINT ELBIRON ABBUKY PARK. OCEAN PLEASANT, etc 1 16, 4 (except Park and Ocean Grovel at v. 4 P. For LAKHWOOD TOMS RIVER and BARNEGAT at 4 A 1 15, 45 Bandage 9 A Tickets can be procured at foot of Liberty Pier N. 5 North Rover.
21. 907, 951, 261, 421, 944, 1A 7X7 Am1 Steth are Hue. lug st 10 at and an K. Itch st. and principal Hotels In New York In Brooklyn N.
4 Court m. 107 Bruad way 1, 860 Fulton 910 Manhattan ave. No. 1 De Kalb ave. Atlantio a fu Hoboken at 24 Washington at.
N. Trans for will oall for and cheok baggage from hotels or residences to destination. 0. Gen'l and MAN Agent, Philadelphia. K.
1 Manager H. P. BALDWIN. (ven'l Eastern Pass's Agent, 119 Liberty at N. Y.
PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. GREAT TRUNK LINE AND UNITED STATEN MAIL ROUTE. On and after June 2, 1884, trains leave New York, VIA Desbtusses and Courtiandt Street Ferries, follows for Harrisburg, Pittsbura. the West and South with Pullman Palace cars attached, A. and M.
daily. New York and Limited of Par. lor, Dining. Smoking Sleeping Oars at 9 M. das.
Withamsport, Look Haven, Corry and Erie, at 8.00 P. connecting at Corry for Titusrille, Petroleum Centre and the Oil Regions. For Williamsport and Luck Haven, 6 A. Baltimore, Washington, and the South, Limited Washington Express" of Pullman Parlor Care daily, except 10:00 Arrive Washington 4:06 M. Regular via B.
R. R. at 0:90 and 8:80 A. 8:40 and 9 P. 1 and 19 night.
via B. O. R. 1:00 and 1:00 P. 19 100 night.
Sunday, via B. k. 6 15 A. M. And 9 OV P.
19:00 night; Via B. 4 O. R. 1:00 P. M.
and 19:00 night FOR PHILADKLPHIA. Kapreas 8 30 for and Broad Street Limited), 11, Station, 11:10 A.M.. Philadelphia, 1. 8.20, 6: 20. (9 6, 6, 7.
9 P. and 19 night. Sunday. 6:15, Limited), and 10 A. and 9 P.
and 12 night. Emi, rant and second class, 1 P. M. Trains leaning New York daily, except Sunday. at 6:90, 8, 8 3 and 11 10 A.
M. 1, 2. 4 6, abd 7 P. M. connect al 1 reaton for Camden.
FOR ATLANTIO CITE. Express, with through car, except Sunday. 1:00 P. a. FOR CAPE Boats of Annex" connect with all through Express.
except Sanday, 11: 10 A. M. trains at Jersey City, affording a speedy and direct transfer for Brooklyn travel. Accommodation tor 1 remin, 6:30 P.M. Long Branch, Bay Head Junction.
and Intermediate Sta tions, ria Rahway and Amboy 4:15, 7.10 and 9:00, 19 400 noon, 8:10, 8:40, 4:10, 5:00 and 7:00 P. 0g Bundar, 4:18 and 9 A. M. sod 6 P.M. (does Bob stop al Asbury Newark and Elizabeth, 6:00.
6:30, 1:80, 9:80, 9:00, 10:10, 11:10, 9:80, 8:00, 4, 4:10, 6:10, 6:20, 6:80, 5:40, 6:60, 6:50, 1:40, 8:50, 1o, P. M. and night. Sunday. 8:15, and 9:30, 1, 8, 4:80, 6:80, and 12 night.
Newark one, 1, 10 and 6:90 4:80, and 6 P. week -days. Sunday, 6:16, 10 and 6 :45 P. M. hahway.
6. 0:80. 7:10, 9:00, 9:50, 10:10: 11:16, 1, 2, 9:80, 8:90, 4:10, 4:40, 6:10. 6:40. 6:50.
6:10, 6:60, 7:40, 8:30, 9, 10:00, 11:80 P. and 12 night, Sunday. 9:80 A. 6. 6:45, 6180, 7, and 19 Woodbridge, Perth Ambos, and South Amboy, 6 and 10:10 A.
9:80,5:80 ana 6:90 and 10 P. M. New Brunswiok, 6:90, 6:00. 1:00, 8, 8:80 9:80, and 11:10 A Mail Sunday, 4:40, 6115, 5, 8 5:60. and 8180, A.
9. 11:80 9 and P. and 19 night, East dalistone, 6:30 and A. and Kingston and Rooky 8:50 4:40 P. Princeton, 6:80, 8, 8:80, 11:10 A.M..
1, 9, 5 and 7 P. M. Lambertrille 7:90 and 11:10 1:00, and 6:00 P. M. Flemington, 7,90 and 11:0 and 8:90 P.
M. Phillipsburg and Bel and 11:10 A. 8:90 and 5:00 P. M. Trenton, Bordentown.
Bar. lington, Camden, 6:80. 8. 8:80 and 11:10 A.M.. 4.
5 and 1 Freebold. 7:30, 11:10 A. and 4:00 P. M. Farmingdale and Squan, 6:80 and 11.10 M.
Hightatown. Pemberton. and Oamden. 4:10 via Monmouth Junotion. Trains arrive -From Pittsburg, 6:10 and 11:20 J.
M. 7:90 and 10:90 P. y. and 7:00 A. M.
daily. except Mondar. From Washington and Baltimore. 6:80. 6:40 1:9, 3:40.
8:50, 6:30. 9:90. 10:05, and 10:35 P.M Sunday, 6:86. 6:40 9:20, 10:06 and 10:85 P. Phua M.
from Baltimore, 1:90 From delphia, 8:50. 6:10. 6:80, 6:40, 7 (except Monday) 9-9, 9:30..10:40. 11:80 1. 1:50, 8:50, 5:50, 6:50, 1:90, 7:30, 8-61, 9-90 10-05.
10:90 and 10:85 P. Sup day, 8:00, 6:80, 6:86. 6:40. 7:06. 11 186 A.
9:20, 10:06, 10:9 and 10:85 1 P. Ticket Offoee, 849, 435 and 944 Broadway, No. 1 Astor No. 4 Oourt street, and Brooklyn Anner Station. foot of House, foot of Deebrosses and Courtland streets Fulton street, Brookin: Busch's Hotel, Hoboken Star tion, Jersey City: Emigrant Ticket Offo, No.
8 Battery place, and Garden. The New York Transfer Company will call tor and beck baggage from hotels and reaidences. CHAS. R. PUGH.
J. WOOD, General Manager. Pass's Agent NEW FORK, WESTERN RAILROAD. SUSQUEHANNA AND New Route to DELAWARE WATER GAP and Passenger trains leave New York, foot of Courtland and Desbrosses streets at A. M.
and 3:30 P. M. for Hackensack, Paterson, Wortendyke, Pompton, Butler, Newfoundland, Franklin. Deckertown, Unionville, Mid. dietown, Sparta, Swartewood, Blairstown, 0o- lite bia, Delaware Water Gap.
Stroudsburg. Local trains for Butler at 19 m. at and 5:80 P. M. Local Wortendyke 6:80 P.
M. Local trains for Paterson at 7:00, 9:20 A. M. 12 1:40 00 1 80. 6.
5:30 6, 6:80, 8 P. 12 mid. Sundays, 8 M. for Middletown, Dela. ware Water Gap, Stroudsburg and way stations, and all stations to Patterson.
I. 1. DEMAREST. General Passenger Agent. THE ERIE RAILWAY.
NEW YORK. LAKE ERIE AND WESTERN RAILROAD Arrangement of through trains from Chambers street Depot, (from Twenty-third street, 10 minutes M. daily, except Sundays, dat express. Drawing room coaches to Binghamton, Elmira and Battalo. 4 P.
Sireping M. dally, 'St. Louis Lamited" express. No extra coaches to Ouncianati, and Obrongo. for fast tame.
Pullinan seeping 0Des arriving Niagara A. M. Hamalton, 10-40 4. M. Detroit, P.
Salamanca, 8:16 P. St. Louis, secopd day. connecting trains Arrive Toledo. and Indianapolis 11 P.
M. defly. for the We sold of Paliman Day and cosenes to Bingham Kimira, Buffalo, Falls, Onannati, and Oni cago without change, Hotel conch through to Ohiongo 16 P. except Sundays. Western emigrant train.
For local tables cards botels and depots. JNO. N. ABBOTT. Agent.
NEW YORK AND LINE. THOUSAND ISLAND Via New York, Ontaria and Western Railway and daily line of steamers from (including Sunday,) touching at Kingston, (Cana Clayton, Alexandria Bay. Pleasantest route to Night with Puliman sleepers, New York 1 P. arrives 1:45 A. leaves on train.
York 9:00 and ferries in New of bt bares streets, and streets tickets and of Broadway, fit 158th atreet, Union in Court street Lanes ultep street, 1 De alb and begins tripe ANDERSON, General Passenger Agent, 34 State 6 Four A. CONEY ISLAND. EXHIBITION OF JAPANESE FIREWORKS EVERY WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AFIRUNOON EvEN HOTEL BRIGHTON. CONEY INLAND bay the CONCERTS BY DODSWORTHS' BAND. 1.
EMI1 Vosh and audi then of the hundred as rangen MAILMAN hE 11 RAM Only 15 Minutes from Prospect Park Station. THAN and every minutes Iben every was Leave la LEAVE BRIGHTON ME minute until 11 Hedf ad thou 15 and ulton, Nostrand. anal Butler and all rapid Isabell traits of Island lions with statione EXt TICKETS From Bedfurd Bergen ani lutier Street 30. Feta Prospect hidrea, TY 8 AFTERNOON and BAND Will give HOTEL of lassion) Operatic and Popular Music, with Duets, and atta on various Inst Interspersed gether Programme Pieces. CONCERTS COMMENCE AT A and CONKY INLAND.
CONEY ISLAND. Sea Beach Route Direet to the Coney leland Olympian (lob Roller Skat Ang Rink and West Brighton Hotel, with the Incomparable L'EVY. EXCURSION TICKETS: Gentlemen. 20c. Ladies 140.
11 90 A and half-bourly from 1 a to 9.00 and (except Katra trains on Sunday from after 2:06 every minutes All trains and stop Bedford blaton, Nos. trand. Kingston, Leave Manbattas Beach, 11 0 19-0 and half hourly from 9 00 to 10 85 P.M. (except P. M.
GREENPOINT DIVISION. Trains leave Green point Depot $0:30, 8 40 A and hourly from 10:80 to stopping at Humboldt. Grand and Ridgewood stations. Leave Manhattan Beach, A.M., and sourly from 11:26 A. M.
DAILY. STEAMERS COLUMBIA and GRAND REPUBLIO. Leave, Foot West Foot West Jewell's 29d luth Pier 6, Wharf, N. R. N.
R. R. B'klyn, 8 185 8:50 9:15 9:40 A 10.00 10.15 10.86 11.00 1:90 1:45 9:00 2:20 5:00 4:86 Jersey Ofty, by DeX, 9:20 10:40 Returning, 11.80 6:80 1:00 Steamer ADELPHI, Connecting at Jewell's REPUBLIC Duck. Brooklyn steamers GRAND COLUMBIA. A.
Leaving 81st E. R. 1:15 Leaving B. 10:10 1:80 Leaving Kent Grand Greeppoint, E. 1.6 10:40 10:96 9:00 1:45 Connecting at Jewell's Dock, Brook- 9:45 11:00 9:90 with boat.
Dock with boat (hat lestes Besch FARE FOR THE ROUND 50 CENTS. No charge for the annex. ROSE ROCKAWAY RAILROAD. Trains leave Long Island 10, 11:45 1:00, 27, 6:80, 88, 8:80, 9:80 M. 8:06 8 9, 9:45, 5 10:10, 10:46, 811:9 11:46, A.M.
819:80,1, 1:80, 9. 89:50. 8, 1.30, 8:40, P. M. Flatbush avenue and Bedford Statiop, 8:85, 40.
Now 10:40, York 1:10, 9:10, 8:10,6:30, 7:40 8:86, 1 Last ten minutes later 6:80 M. train Sunday. 8 indicates Sundays only. days only. Returning trains leave the Beach hourly.
See time table at depots. SEA SIDE ROCKA WAY REACH, L. L. NOW OPEN. This well-known hotel HAS BEEN GREATLY ENLARGED and improved.
ISLAND ROUTE ACROSS JAMAICA BAY. COMMENCING MAY 2, 1884. STEAMBOAT TRAINS leave Howard House, East New York 9.00, 10:00, 11:00 and 12 and 1:00, 9:00, 4:30, 6:80 and 6:80 P.M. Returning leave Rock. sway Beach 10:20, 11:20 A.M., 13:90, 1:30, 9:30, 3:30, 4:50, 6:00, 7:00 and 8:00 P.M, Sundays and Holidays Steamboat Trains FARE REDUCED.
Round trip from Rast New York to Rockaway Beach, 95 cents week days, 30 cents Sundays. Round trip from East New York to Canarsie apd Jamaica Bay. 20 cents. Local trains leave East New York hourly in the morning and WAY half hourly after 9:20 A.M. to 9 The BROADCARS make close connection with abore trains at Howard House.
East New WARNER. Superintendent. STEAMBOATS. STONINGTON LINE For BOSTON WATUR all points EAST. The ply direct PIER.
leave HILL PIER N. NARRA- R. GANSETT Steamers 85 daily, except Sundays, at 6 P. Three trains from steamers landing through to Boston. First train arrives one hour ahead of any other line.
Parlor cars Steamers R. Rhode daily. island and Massachusetts 5 leave from PIRR 20 except both Sundays, lines at P. M. Tickets and state-rooms, for may be secured New York at 3 Astor renue House, Windsor 257, 997, Hotels.
457, 766, Brook- 948 Broadway, Fifth and In Ira at 899 Washington street, 780 Fulton street. Sand for Summer esoursion book. F. W. POPPLE, Train leaves PROVIDENCE from steamers landing 6 0.
P. 177 West street. N. Y. LUDSON Albany RIVER Day BY Line DAYLIGHT.
ALBANY and O. VI BARD daily (except Sundays.) Leave Fulcon Brooklyn (by Vestry st. pier, New 36 West 20d at. pier, New York 9 A. M.
For ALBANY, landing ad Tarrytown, ferry), Catskill West and Point, Newburgh, Poughkeepsie, Raine Hudson. CONNEOTIONS: RHINEBECK-4 ferry) with special tram with op for the resorts of the Catskills and H. 0. W. R.
for Lakerille, Hartford, Springfeld and Bostop. HUDSON With Boston special and train Chatham, KILL ML. R. R. North Adams, and Lebanon Springs.
ALBANY With Delaware 0. R. R. for SARATOGA, LAKE GEORGE and the North, and with N. K.
R. for Utton, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the FOR BRIDGEPORT. STEAMER ROSEDALE Las res Pier No. M. East River, at 3 P.M., foot of Thirty.
first st, East River, 3:15 P. M. daily, Sundays excepted. PROFESSIONAL. FISHER VOLTZ, LAW OFFICER E.
D. ORAL. W. VOLTE a a a a a a a it I to DIED. Munday 7 d.
Bodies a prupees without mutilation, and prepared for to an) part on the country RESIDENCE LEE AVE JOHN I. TEVEN. UNDERTAKEN AND 116 Aft street, bear Grand, LIVERY STABLE IS MOUTH FIRNT ATUKKT L. TICk, 16 FOURTH BROOKLYN AND ESTABLISHED BY HIS FATHER, THE LATE I. TIdE, IN 1P68 POLITIOAL MEETINGS.
for the trapsaotjop osber business. OLARK D. RHINEHART, Obeirman. WARD DEMOCRAT. special meeting of Fifteenth Ward Democratic (Prand As sosociation will be held as internatiopal street on Wednesday evening.
July 23d, at 8 o'olook. tanoo Punctual will pome attendance before the requested JOHN business of im Pres. L. HENIGAR, W. D.
SEAMAN, Secretaries. MEETINGS with Branch Number Three. Branch Eighth-Oommencing at Branch at Fourth avenue and Prospect avenue: funning thence with double traok over, through and along Fourth avenue to Twentysixth street; thence over, througb and along Twentysixth steam railway on Fifth avenue. All par. ties interested in the said matter invited to attend.
order, JOHN iv8 td Ohairman of Railroad Committee. AND ROOMS. WATER Address, ROOM WITH North Second street. Brooklyn, E. D.
WANTED -REAL ESTATE. WANTED moderate -IN prices: LARGE also small PLOTS bouses, AND Send full partioulars and diagram to MAUDUFF. 1165 Broadway, Gates avenue. HELP WANTED--MALES. WANTED -A good BRIGHT, and ACTIVE experience.
SALES- before ten A. Thursday at 480 Bedford a roune. WANTED A of FEW GOOD good SALESMEN to canvass, Apply to 00., 116 Fourth street, Brooklyn, E. D. HELP WANTED must come well recommended, 77 IN Fourth street, WANTED do A general GERMAN housework OR for a small SWERDISH private family.
Apply at 797 Lexington arente, near Reid ave. WANTED FEMALES. SITUATION BY RB. spectable do upstairs work in a small, private family, or general housework. Apply or address, 09 North Tard street.
WANTED -A roman to do NITUATION general BY A RESPRO- good washer and Ironer: has good reference. Call 898 Second street, between Sixth and Seventh. WANTED woman SITUATION BY A housework: is RESPECT- a good cook, washer and troper city or country; has good reference. call 496 First street, between North Seventh and North Eighth. WANTED to SITUATION housework BY A in a private family has good reference.
Please call at present employ406 Manhattan avenue, Please WANT call at do 14 general avenue Housework between in small tamily, SITUATION BY A YOUNG Rodney and Kesp streets. WANTED-WASHING AND IRONING WANTED work to home: FIRST irons CLASS LAUND. ries: would out the fret two days of the week; good reference. Call all the week, 304 Broadway, in the rear entrance on Seventh street. WANTED washing BY and A ironing to RESPECTABLE take home.
WO Please call, Rush street, room 19. BY A or RESPECTABLE WOMAN Please call at 847 South Fourth street. Mrs. FLYNN. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS.
WANTED band a purchaser, HAVING if OLD the bandies, York BOARDING. HANDSOMELY room on second on with boned or gentleman and R' ROADS of the THE Common Council COMMITTEE will meet in the August Committee 6, 1804, at Rooms, 8 to consider on the application of Oity Fall. WEDNESDAY, the Nassau Cable Railway Company to construct, maintain and operate a surface or street refiroad. to be operated by means of a propelling rope or cable attached to a stationary power, through, upon and along the following streets and avenues: Main Line -Commencing at Court street, and running thence with double track through, upon and along the surface br the soil and publio open way, and as a publio thoroughfare, which known Montague street, for fare from and to Court street, inoluding ferriage over Wall Street Ferry, five conte, with branches as follows: Branch First Commencing at East River, foot of Fulton street; thence, with double traok, running over, through and along Fulton street to and into Columbia Heights; thence, over, through and along Volumbia Heights to and into Middagh street, through Middagh street to and into Hicks street: through Hioks street to Montague street, thence to connect with main York line, Branch Second Oommencing at New and Brooklyn Bridge: running thence with double track over through and along Sande street to and soross Fulton street, to and into Middagh street; thence through and along Middagh street to Alloks street; thence to connect with main line, Branch Third -Commencing at Montague and Clinton streets, running thence with double through and along Clinton street to and into Schermorhorn street; thence over, through and along Shermerhorn street to andjacross Flatbush avenue: thence to and into Lafayette avenue: thence over, through and along Lafayette aveQue to and soross Broadway into Kosolusko street; thence over, through and along Kosciusko street to and into Bushwick avenue; thence over, through and along Bushwiok avenue to East New York avenue. Branch Fourth -Commencing at the Flatbush avenue, running thence with double tracks over, through and along Flatbush avenue to and into Fourth Avenue; thence over, through and along Fourth avenue to and into Eighth Prospect avenue: avenue; through through Eighth Prospect avenue to avenue to Twentieth and street, to and connecting with the steam railway.
Branch Fifth- -Commencing at East River foot of Broadway, running thence with double traok over, through Broadway to and into Third street: thence through Third street to Division avenue; through Dtvision avenue to apd into Bedford avenue; through Bedford avenue to and into Douglass strees; thence through and along Douglass street over, through and along Plaza to and into Union street; thence through Union street to Fourth avenue, conpecting with line Fourth avenue branch number thence over, through and along Union street to A venue Ferry, East River. Branch Sixth- at Bedford Avenue and Douglass street, ranning thence with double track over, through and along Bedford avenue to Dits Line: thence over, through and along Bedford avenue to Lefferta street and depot, Flatbush. Branch Seventh-Commencing at Bedford avenue and Douglass street; running thence with track over, through and along Douglass street to city line, and thence to and along plank road to and then conhecting LAWS OF NEW YORK. -By Authority. law, unload a different time shall Ho Ir thot shall and tako foul throng the Blate, and out the Swoulieth day after lise day of lie Nual pee sago, as Dot lined by the Booretar Hiato Mos 14, title 4, chap part Mtatutes An to colatilials a af ail to the state of Now In the Now York and Erie P'ADRED MAY 21 three boing preactl shall be catablished Bated a state board of pharmacy follows Within ninety daye after the of this the New Yuk la shall mutinsto fort pharmacista, roe: lente the lie that tor which this ant which number the uf thin state shall, within twenty after matte to him int Are shall the salt 10811 of phat It el all on the duty of member af the boatel pharmacy, Immediately after the to thin mutton appolutment, the elet of the county Lu hi ho tooldes make Hall properb and falthfully dieoharge the duties of member 1.
uf phar A shall hol1 affire fut four thron utio fur Anil uno for Are YearS froth the fret of Heptember, In the yeAr thousand ought hundred and righty four, hi. terin shall be by boot tho Bret meeting of said board of pharmacy The maid members of sail board nhall meet on the fret of Beptembor, In the year one thousand ought hundred and eighty four the College of Pharmacy bulling In the city at AllanY. at twelve w'olock noon of that day, immediately proceed to determine br lot the terms for they shall holt stul to organise by oleoting peneldent, and who shall bold their to tire offloce for the term of one year. 5 The board shall bobl meetings Jesel once In three the Three member shall contell tute a quorum. I maid boar 1 shall have power to make much by Inconsistent with the count! tatton or the provialona of Brim sol, IL HUn deem Toor Anar Her 2 It niall be the duty of the said of platthary, To mil appelring censen under this act, and br li enare mich AR beer entitir the 1 I.
a cord of need br them an sostigate all complainta of dietryar 1, non compliance with or violation of the provis lots of this sot, and to bring all anch Lo the notioe of the propor prosecuting offloora Hee. 8. Any person who, at the time of tbo passage of this sot, la carrying on the busitires of retailing or dispensing drage, medicines or DE, of practicing pharmacy on Lila own conut, or ho, st the time of the passage of this act, shall have served five years or upwards al the business of retailing or dispensing drugs, medicines or poisons, or practicing pharmacy, and who is over the ago of twenty -one years, or any person who bolds certifoate of registra ton as a pharmacist from any board of pharmaoy legally created under the lAws of this state, or any person who holds diploma as a gradnate of any incorporated college of pharmacy of this state, shall be granted a license, by maid board of pharmacy to practice as a pharmacist, upon compliance with the requirements brretnafter stated. Bro. 4.
Any person entitled to license as pharmacist, as provided for in section three, who shall not, within ninety days after the organization of the board of pharmacy, sa herein provided, make a written application to such board for such license, accompanied by written statement mgr by him or ber, and duly verifled before an officer authorized to administer oaths within this state, fully setting forth the grounds upon whiob he or she olatins sach license, shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to locuse under the provisions of said section. Hec. 5. No license shall be granted to any person under the provisions of section three of this act unless the applicant pays to said board pharmacy a fee of dollara therefor. Sec.
6. The said board of pharmacy shall make such regulations for the examination of applicants for licenses, and the granting of 11- cences to such applicanta, and the payment of license fees, as it may deem proper; but no 11- cense fee shall excoed the said sam of Ave dollars. Sec. 7. The New York State Association shall, in the month of June, in the year eiguteen bundred and eighty-four, and annually thereafter, nominate ten pharmacista, residents of the district to which this sot applies, from which number the governor shall nil the vacancy annually occarring in the said board, and the person so appointed by the governor shall hold office for five years.
In 0880 of the death, resignation or removal from the state of AnY member of the said board, before the expiration of his term of office, or in case of in canoe occurring from any other cause but expiration of term of office, the governor shall All vacancy from the list nominated as aforesaid during the year in which such vacancy ocours, and the person appointed shall hold office for the unexpired term of his predecessor. Sea. 8. Every person to whom license is granted by the said board of pharmaoy shall display the same in a conspicuots part of the pharmacy in which he or she does bueinese. Beo.
9. No license granted by the said board pharmacy shall be revoked except for just sufficient cause. Beo. 10. It aball be unlawful, after the first of January, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-tive, for any person to practice as pharmacist unless he or she shall have been granted a license by said board.
Sec. 11. Nothing in this sot shall be construed to apply to the business of a practitioner medicine, nor to prevent practitioners of ing medicine from supplying their patients with such articles as they may deem proper nor to those who sell medicines and poisons at wholenor to the manufacture or sale of patent proprietary medioines; nor to the sale of the usual domestic remedies by retail dealers in the raral districts. And nothing in this sot shall and so construed as to prohibit the employment any pharmacy of apprentices or assistants the purpose of being instructed in the practice of pharmacy, but such apprentices or assistants shall not be permitted to prepare and prescriptions, or to sell or ed dispense physiciana' furnish medicines or poisons, except 10 the and presence of and under the personal supervision licensed pharmacist. for a Seo.
12. All violations of the provisions of act shall be deemed misdemeanors, and be punished as such. Sec. 13. The expenses of said board shall be ont of the fees herein provided for.
Sec. 14. This sot shall not apply to the counof New York, Kings and Erie. by Sec. 15.
All acts and parts of acts inconsisand with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 16. This act shall take effect immediately. of on STATE OF NEW YORK, Office of the Secretary of State, 88.: I have compared the preceding with and original law ou file in this office, and do here- void certify that the same is a correct transoript therefrom and of the whole of said original law.
JOSEPH B. CARR, Secretary of State. for law, unless a different time shall be prescribed therein, shall commence and take throughout the State, on and not before twentieth day after the day of ite final pasAs certified by the Seoretary of State. Sec. the title 4, chap.
1, part 1, Revised as CHAP. 865. in AcT to provide the means and making appropriations to pay the expenses of superintendence, ordinary repairs and maintenance of the canals, for the fiscal year commencing on H. the fret day of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-four. PARSED May 24, 1884; three-Afthe being present.
Senate People them State do of enact New as York, follows represented in SEUTION 1. There shall be imposed for the figyear beginning on the fret day of October, thousand eight hundred and eighty-four, April tax of twenty-three one-bundredths of on each dollar of valuation of the real and personal property in this state subject to taxa- and which tax shall be assessed, levied and and collected by the annual assessment and collec- and of taxes for that year, in the manner preby law, and shall be paid by the several treasurers into the treasury of this state, be held br the state treasurer for appropriato the purposes hereinafter designated. State, Sec. 2. The whole of the tax levied and col- the in pursuance of the preceding section be paid into the treasury of this state to credit of the canal fund, and is hereby appropriated and shall be applied as follows: For paying the salaries and expenses of the collectors and compilers of the statistios relating the trade and tonnage of the canals; the exeffect of the superintendence sod ordiosry re- the of the canale; the salaries, traveling ex- ange, clerk hire and office expenses of the su- 12, perintendent and assistant superintendents of works; the allowance to the state engi- AN and surveyor for travel; the clerk hire in lio bureau of canal affairs, and the incidental expenees of said baresu and of the canal board, PARRED the decal year commencing on the firm day The October, eighteen bundred and eighty-four, sum of, six buodred and fifty thousand dolto be distributed, applied, apportioned and the disposed of as follows: are the salaries, traveling expenses, clerk hire right office expenses of "the superintendeut and land superintendents of public works, ceding thonsend dollars, or so much thereof deem be necessary.
Sea. the traveling expenses of the state engiand surveyor, two hundred dollars. State, the salaries of the section the -six thopsani dollars, or so much by as may be niecessory. clerk hire in the baresn of canni affairs, the salary of the chief stark, dollars A sub jeo4 1 sad a ale of U. M.
Male I Trust Riyal If, Male. hanger, "DAY OF draw inter. ou Mon- resideos, IMPANY. 4. 000, 000, 400.
00 150, 87 old. 006, 008. 81 1dl, 10 hing. ball. buident.
11 Oort UK co 96 00 dent. LAND LOSS ban and dur ing la- dent, NO. 1, Linas 1 all 10.00 17.78 8.98 8.96 00 1 lat.t dare A attend the the 48.1 Iran A A 8. graced FIVE IN AT AND unequaled Luna He little Los ass a North Beavad HORSES, CARRIAGES, ETO. ARE ROOMS CORTLAND WAGON DO.
W' Fine and specialty inele met laps, fly DUNHAM agent, A FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS protea be MAI.K 4 MACHINE chance she ON FOR street, TWO TO LET- -HOUSES. MENT. TO tone 11t Broadway, TO LET FLATS. TN AND NOUN NICE TO painted and pET meate third Twenty War.h Lou to all bus Jo LP and Nuetrand Open York office, Isl way LET FLAT A CONNEM FLAT OF TO, FoomDe with improvemente furnish ed healthy location, bd Bedturd houses ut PION AN TE A Flatbush avenue OF NINE ROOM IN TO new brown stope house with every of the latest design all ligbt rooms private halls heat fur nimbed. hard cabinet finish line of the elevat ed railroad.
(38 premises H. BRUNE. has Bedford avenue TO LET PARTS OF HOUSES. HECOND FLOOR OF THRKE TO rooms, with use uf bath, Harrison avenue TO LET rooms FOR private FAMILY, A cold FLOOR water, bath, ete. No 119 South Speund etreet, near burth.
TO LET -APARTMENT IN THE CLAREN don Apartment House, salt of eight bested, Improvemepta, balla furnished, hardwood, cabinet Anish situated on Berkley place, between Alth and Seventh a venues, Apply BRUSH, 12 Flatbush a venue. TO LET- -FURNISHED ROOMS. TO alcove LET room to one or FURNINHED two gentlemen, LAROR ale, large FRONT back room and cold water gas, bath, Inquire Wilson street between Lee and Bedford avenues. FURNI-HED ROOMS, or without board: terms moderate: three Inio ates' walk from ferry. 103 South First street.
TO rootp also small one. A (hree LARGE minutes' walk FRONT to ferry: das and bath. 67 South Nintu street. TO LET--STORES. TO near T-STORK in the new block BEDFORD of 45 brownstone AVENUK, flat houses: Arst-olass location for Apply at 6446 Bedford avenue, or THOL AS H.
BRUSH. Flatbush avenue. SUMMER RESORTS. AT the ocean. THE Those socking home comforts ONE from find such at Hayre House, Box 2036, Heck Ocean avenue Grove, N.
Spring J. beds hair spattresses. M. BAYRE, Proprietor. NEW JERNKY.
MAPLEWOOD, A few boarders can be accommodated with good board in a private family, new house, pleasantly situated near depot Address MRS. VREELAND, Bouth Orange, N. J. 1500 handbook SUMMER containing HOMES, I list of SUMMER HOTELS and BOARDING HOUSES along HUDSON RIVER and in CATSKILL MOUNTAINS, with terms, attractons, maps, and illustrations, sent to any address upon Eastern Passenger Agent, stamp, Shore Route, 861 Broad. application, with 3-cent to K.
way, New York, Oopy of book may also be had by calling at nearest office. For locations of offices see West Shore Route Time- Table in daily papers. CLAIRVOYANTS. J. things.
THE 199 RENOWNED Mauyer street, between Grabam avenue and Bamboidt street, Brooklyn, R. D. reader: tells EZEKIEL your THE destiny: gives WONDERFUL. satisfaction concerning law suits, love, courtship. marriage, unites the separated; and gives good luck to all who consult her: also the wonderful Egyptian amulet, Fee buc.
and 81. 00. 974 Grand near Seventh. Clairvoyant WOOD-THE and Astrologist. JUSTLY Succeeds CELEBRAT where others fail.
Information on any subjeot. 203 South Firet street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Brooklyn. K. D.
DENTISTRY. teeth without pain KIMBELL, the FILLING CLEANING use of his Propess, office and residence, 193 avenue, Brooklyp, K. is respectfully solicited; also the removal of tumors, wets, canoers, burth warts and moles. Office hours 8 A. M.
till P. M. Sundays till 1. Located twelve years. DR Grand street, near DENTAL Grabam avenue.
PARLORS Beautiful Bete of Teeth, $10 and upwards. Gas administered. Opep Sundays until 9 P. M. Branch Sing Sing.
FALL TERM, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. Primary, Preparatory and Grammar Departments, Musio, Art Classes and Kindergarten. Special classes in English Literature, History and other branched after school hours. THE Rose street.
MINNEN Extra MCCREAK classes IN young ladies dear- 159 for ing to pursue specid course. Kindergarten department for younger children. Application for admission and particulars may be made at the residence. 161 Ross street, after September 8. Will open September 15, 1884, and for examination of new pupils September 11 and 19.
and K. German School FINHROUGH'N for Young BNGLINA, 167 TAYLOR STREET. Fall Term begins, September 19. THE OF VIOLIN AND PIANO, Hewes street, near Harrison avenue Brankin. LOST AND FOUND.
OST-PAYMENT STOPPED- FOUR ings bank books, either on Willoughby or Nostrand avenue, The finder will be rewarded by leaving them at 486 Willoughby avenue. -BANK BOOM NO. 148.887 ON THE Williamsburgh Savings Bank, Any persons olaims upon sad book are called upon to present the same to the bank within one week, or the said book will be declared canceled and extinguished, and a new ode Issued in lieu thereof. SALES BY AUCTION. BEAN D.
RADIE. Sales AUCTIONEER, Broad- AT R. ON JULY 99, 1884, AT 19 O'CLOCK, noon. No. 9 Siegel street, near Broadway, is a two-story frame building, with one -story frame extension and stable; water and sewer; size of building 11 h.
in front, be is ft. in rear and 50 rented, ft. In May depth: 1, lot 17x46x100: property at present until 1885. 8360 per annum sale absolute. BY JAMES C.
EADIE. AUCTIONEER. Partition sale by order of the Supreme Court, at the R. D. Exchange Sales Rooms, 45 Broadway, on TUESDAY, JULY AT 19 0 CLOCK NOON, No.
191 STREET NEAR EWEN STREET: 8-story frame building with extension and store, water and sewer connections complete. WILLIAM H. ALLABEN, Referee, 881 Fulton street, Brooklyn. EUROPEAN STEAMSHIPS. MONARCH LINE, COMSAFETY, COMFORT AND HOONOMY, to QUEENSTOWN, LIVERPOOL, all points on the Continent via London.
RATES than by any other time to and from all parts of VICKERS BROADWAY, Agents, York. INION SURE EN ERROOL. CITY OF Saturday July VITY Thursday CITY OR August 9, 4 P.M. From pier (new number), North Kiver. Cabin mage.
860, 880 and intermediate, 840. SteeragePassage to or from New York, 00., For apply to INMAN Broadway. STEAMSHIP JOHN Q. HENDERSON SON, 844 Fulton Brooklyn. F.
Brookign, E. D. NO RAN PROprices, BROOKLYN TINES JOB A 4 we las AND at fu A Mundas 86 1 For the esleries and compensation of the the nanale, luciuding upon the the Inoldental ordinary exponetu repairs of employed Iweuty Are thousand dullard, match thescof be For the of such and al la obsergee and da are authorteed biy statutes to he paid 'out of fund, and charged to the of and canal Ipad, and the canal 14 sighing fund, leu dollars, uh thereul quay be For the salaries and compenestion nt the oullectors and compilers of the letios relating to the trale and tonuage of the canale, the Lie epcotore and of buale, Inchiental espenses of such collectore and tuAftoon thrusand dollars, or so much thot mil a way be Fo the payment of the a of lock lendtog to ropalre of the canals of the Are hundred and twenty shotsa ud alght hundred Quilare, much thereut be ba within the sal Na al year Hon In that the appropriations menHoned in this may la made available when noodled aud hot.te the waney cau be for Cho mall las, the uf the canal fund mey in the meld Las any surpine moneys of the pinolpal of the elnking fund ander arilalo seven the constitution, or say tho canal fund nut uthorwise re quired fut Immediate a sum nol co ling In all the amount to be realiaed froth Ball let horein authorised, and the moneye It rested aball be applied to pay the approprie tons under the preceding scotlonejand so much of the money arising from the said tax be unconsary when paid into the treasury shall be apphed in the frat to reimburse said slaking fund or canal for the amount lavested in said las, and for the interest on the same, not Loeeding four par oeutum per annum from the Limo of investment to the day of payment. Hr 4 in addition to the foregoing appropriathe sum of uno hundred and thirty-one thousand and slaty dullate furly nine centa, boing the unespondel and unappropriatoil balance in the treasury to the otodit of the fund fut on liuary repairs, Ur so much thereot tuay be in betoby apprupriated for the payment of the espouses ul lock and the ordinary ropairs of the canala of Liao state within the said fiscal year. OF NEW YoRE, offloo of the Becretery Hiate, I have compared the preceding with by certify that the same la a 0 correct transoript the of iginal law on Aio in this offoo, and do borethots from ant of the whole of said original law.
JOBERM B. CARM, of Blate. 17. will offers a Ina 1AI 4 law, unlose different thine shall be therein, shall commence and take effeet thron, bout the Stale, ou sud but before the twentieth day after the day of it dual paean cortined by the Beoretary of Blate. 12, title 4, obap.
7, part 1, Revised 866. AN Act wyaking an appropriation for the payment of awards inado by the board of olaime, PARRED May 24, 1884, three fifthe being present. The People A State Ya Non Fort, represented Senate and Pollo BECTION I. The treasurer shall pay, on the warrants of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, so the persons, insututione, corporations or companics indicated 1D this not the several sums hereinafter named, or so much thereof as may be 160-seary, making fn the the sum of twenty four thousand two bundred and nor-seven dollars and eighty one cents, which sum is hereby appropriated for the payment of the following named awarda made by the board of olaims, namely To George H. Cook, Jobn N.
Stearne and Henry I. BearDs, As executors of Elisha Bloomer, deceased, for the use and occupation of the premises of the testator adjoining the state prison in Bing Bing. Weatobester county, four bundred dollars, awarded by said board 8eptembor eleventh, eighteen hundred and olgbtythree, and for interest thereuv, fifteen dollars and thirty-three centa, To William W. Wright, for expenses inourred and paid by him in attending courts to defend an action brougbt againet him personally by one Virgil Reel for sots done by him as a canal commissioner, one bundred and twenty dollars, awarded by said board September twelfth, eighteen bundred and eighty-three, and for interest thereon, four dollars and sixty cents. To Edward Reynolds, for infary to his horse by falling Into a bole in the wow-path on Obamplain canal, five dollars, awarded by said board November thirteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three; and for interest thereon, two dollars and ten conte.
To Oliver 0. Bentley, for work and services in classifying the senate library, four hupdred and twenty-five dollars, awarded by said board October tenth, eighteen hundred and eightythree; and for tuterest thereoh, fourteen dollars and sixteen Ceuta, To John Zummer, for servioos as foreman in the old capitol, one hundred and eighty-three dollars, awarded by said board January ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four; and for idterest thereon, three dollars and sixty -six conte. To Alfred 8. Brolley, as assignee, for the services of Mary Stack and others as employees the old capitol, three bundred and uinety-five dollars, awarded by said board January nintb, eighteen hundred and eighty-four; and for interest thereon, seven dollars and fifty cents. To Edward A.
Poole, 66 assignee, for the services of Patrick White and others as ployees in the state hall, two thousand six hundred and sixty-eight dollars and twenty-four cents, awarded by said board January ninth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four; and for interest thereon, Afty-three dollars and thirty-six cents. To James M. Ruso, for sevicea 88 stenographer to sundry legislative committees, three thousand three bundred and twenty-one dollars and thirty-five cents, awarded by said board January twenty-second, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, and for; interest thereon, thirtyeight dollars and seventy-four cents; and To Charles H. Van Benthuysen, for engravon stone and printing plates of the natural history of the state of New York, under 008r tracts as provided by chapter two hundred and twelve of the laws of eigteen hundred and forty-seven, and chapter seven hundred ADO seventeen of the laws of eighteen bundred and sixty-eight, three thousand and eight dollars sixty-four cents, awarded by said board April tenth, eighteen hundred and eighty- four. To Edward M.
Moore, for services in performing a surgioal operation upon, and in the treatment of Peter MoQue, a conviot in the burn state prison, seven hundred dollars, awardby said board April tenth, eighteen hundred eighty-four. To George Talbot and Wilham Riobardson, the use of a scow at Buffalo, New York, four hundred dollars, awarded by said board April tenth, eighteen bundred and eighty-four. To William U. Stead, for sorvices in taking senate documents to the post office during the Session of eighteen hundred and eighty-three, three bundred and seventy-Ave dollars, awarded said board April tenth, eighteen hundred eighty-four. To William J.
Hammond apd Charles W. Mosher, for money paid to the distriot attorney Saratoga county for lumber and timber, the claim that it was the property of the state, under the tax sale of eighteen hundred seventy- seven, whioh tax sale was deolared by the comptroller of the state, five hunand forty-four dollars and cents, awarded by said board January twenty. second, eighteen hundred and eighty-four; interest thereon, eight dollars and seven cents. To James H. MoOarthy, for the services of Hudson 0.
Tanner, as stenographer to subcommittee of the senate committee on cities, in underground telegraph investigation, and stenographer to senate committee on cities investigation of the department of publio of the city of New York, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, the claim therefor having been assigned to the said James McCarthy, Ave hundred and fifty dollars, awarded by said board April thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four. To Hudson O. Tanner, for services as stenographer to senate committee on insurance, in eighteen hundred and eighty-two, in the investigations of receiverships seven hundred and' forty-seven dollars, awarded by said board thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty -four. To James H. Hoose, for salaries of Hoose, as principal, and Thomas B.
Stowell others, as teachers, in the Cortland normal training school, ten thousand two hundred seventeen dollars and eighty-one cents, awarded by said board January twenty-seound, eighteen hundred and eighty-four. Sec. 2. This act ball take effect immediately, STATE OF NEW YORK, Office of the Secretary of I have compared the preceding with original law on file in this office, and do certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law. JOSEPH B.
CARR, Secretary of State, law, unless different time shau be prescribed therein, shall commence and take throughout the State, on and not before twentieth day after the day of its Anal as certified by the Secretary of State, title 4, chap. 7, part 1, Reviled Statutes, CHAP. 850, Act suthorizing the superintendent of pubworks to lease the right of way across state land at tide water for ferry purposes. May 24, 1834 being present, People of the Stale of enact New as York, follower represented de Senate and A sembly, 1. It shall be and may be lawful for superintendent of publie works, where ferries now maintained at tide water, to lease the of passage for fool passengers serose Blata adjoining tide, water, for period not esten gears of such conditions an he may adrantageous to the state, 2.
This set shall take effect STATE OF NEW Office of the Secretary of I have compared the preceding with original law on file in this office, sad do bare certify that the same in a correct and of tire whole of said original JOSEPH BA. CANA, Secretary of Stale the sage, 12, AN The cal one state mill 6 tion, tion scribed county to tiou lected shall the to penses pairs penses, public neer the for of the lars, For and Assistant thirty may For peer For ents, thereof For.