Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians (2025)

Aji Kusuma

They had several goals. Their primary objective was to establish a segregated "Jewish State" in Palestine. They also sought to instigate World War I, to slaughter entire Christian populations, and to destroy the Turkish Empire and supplant Islamic religion and culture with a soulless and cultureless society engineered by Jewish positivists in Vienna, Paris, Italy and Salonika. "It is a well-known fact that the Salonika Committee was formed under Masonic auspices with the help of the Jews and Donmehs, or crypto-Jews of Turkey, whose headquarters are at Salonika, and whose organization took, even under Abdul Hamid, a Masonic form. Jews like Emmanuel Carasso, Salem, Sassun, Fardji, Meslah, and Donmehs or crypto-Jews, like Djavid Bey and the Baldji family, took an influential part both in the organization of the Committee and in the deliberations of its central body at Salonika. These facts, which are known to every Government in Europe, are also known throughout Turkey and the Balkans, where an increasing tendency is noticeable to saddle the Jews and Donmehs with responsibility for the sanguinary blunders which the Committee has made."-Vienna Correspondent for The London Times, "Jews and the Situation in Albania", The London Times, (11 July 1911), p. 5. 6 from the very beginning of the Christian movement-as did other sources, including Biblical sources. Elliott Horowitz chronicles numerous instances of Jewish violence in his book Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence (Jews, Christians, and Muslims from the Ancient to the Modern World), Princeton University Press, (2006). Gustaf Dalman wrote, " S INCE everyone has not the writings of Justin at hand, we venture to offer some important extracts from them bearing on this subject. We quote in accordance with the edition of J. C. Th. Otto, Jena, 1843:-'The Jews regard us as foes and opponents, and kill, and torture us, if they have the power. In the lately-ended Jewish war Bar Kokh'ba, the instigator of the Jewish revolt, caused Christians alone to he dragged to terrible tortures, whenever they would not deny and revile Jesus Christ [Footnote: Apology, I. chap. 31.].' 'The Jews hate us, because we say that Christ is already come, and because on page 5, which debunked Dr. Gaster's false assertions, "THE JEWS AND YOUNG TURKS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir,-In your much-esteemed paper of to-day's issue you publish a letter by Dr. Gaster, who strongly repudiates the allegations reported by your able Vienna Correspondent against the Jews of Salonika and their confederates the Committee of Union and Progress. I am afraid Dr. Gaster, in his fervent and natural desire to defend his co-religionists, has been led to make some misstatements. Firstly, he says that a few Greeks are in the all-powerful Committee. Could he state a single instance of a Greek being in this Committee? Secondly, he states that only the Malissori have revolted, and that the Tosks and Mirdites have not risen. Well, this is contrary to the truth. The Nirdites have risen last month, and if they keep still now it is that they have not sufficient arms, and as to the Tosks, it appears that they are quite restless, so much that the Government has despatched thither troops. The Jews of Turkey have not placed a sword in the hands of the Committee, but have placed, as Dr. Gaster says, brains-and he is perfectly right. But this is worse than a sword, for they have placed pernicious brains. It is not my purpose to shift the responsibility which lies on the shoulders of the shortsighted Committee of Union and Progress on the Jews; but there are some cases where they appear to be responsible. It is a secret de Polichinel that it is the Jews or German-Jews of Salonika who were the instigators of the stupid boycott against the Greek shipping and commerce; which boycott, although profitable to the Jews of Salonika, undoubtedly does not facilitate the Young Turkey's heavy task, because it necessarily alienated from them the sympathies of one-fifth at least of the inhabitants of the Turkish Empire. And the Turks proper have no shipping or commerce with which to replace the Greek. The pretext that it was a measure of retaliation for the Cretan question cannot be now seriously advanced. So in this case at least the brains they have given were good for the attainment of their private ends, but not for the good of the so-called Constitutional Turkey, which can only steady itself by seeking the friendship of its neighbours and adopting the policy of political decentralization. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, M. A. SYRIOTIS. Common Room, Gray's Inn, July 12." The Jewish bankers of Salonika came to their own defense and openly lied in order to cover up their involvement in the mass murder. Jews are taught to scapegoat Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide 22 others and the scapegoat is a part of Jewish religious mythology. The following 16 letter by the Jewish Salonika banker Modiano appeared in The London Times on 4 17 August 1911, on page 11, "JEWS IN TURKEY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir,-After Dr. Gaster of London, we also, the Israelite Community of Salonika, request permission to refute, in the columns of your esteemed journal, the utterly incorrect assertions contained in an article which appeared in The Times of the 11th July-an article borrowed from the Zeit by your Vienna Correspondent-and in a letter from Mr. A. Syriotis, published by you on the 19th inst. These documents constitute a formal act of accusation against the Jews and the Young Turks. We have no authority to speak in the name of the Committee of Union and Progress, which is the sole judge of its own actions; it is no business of ours to defend it against the accusations put forward by your Correspondent. But what we an boldly affirm is that the Committee, which is composed of the heroes who have given to Turkey Liberty and the Constitution, of persons devoted to the country, of enlightened and intelligent men, of noble hearts, has no need of Jewish heads or of Jewish intelligence. It is an additional insult to the Committee to suppose it incapable of thinking and acting for itself. Of the five Israelites incriminated by your Correspondent as principal leaders, directing heads, of the Committee, one, Mr. Salem, being of foreign nationality, never could have been a member. Among the four others, the deputies Emmanuel Carasso, Mazliah, Faraggi, and Sasson, some have been, and perhaps may still be, members of the Committee of Union and Progress; but not one of them, so far as we know, is a member of the Salonika Central Committee. Even if they were, their presence in the midst of a group of highclass people would not necessarily imply their participation in the management of affairs. Besides, even if such were the case, these gentlemen are too honourably known for the legend, created from beginning to end by their detractors, to gain credence in this country. The accusation brought against the Jews of playing a preponderating and sinister part in the affairs of Turkey is therefore a pure invention, a base calumny. And to seek to attribute to the Jews and Deunmes any influence whatsoever on the policy of this country is simply an attempt to sow discord among the different elements which compose the population of the Ottoman Empire. Again, were your Correspondents not bound, by the most elementary honesty, to verify these grave accusations before publicly formulating them? If their authors, instead of insinuating that statesmen and diplomatists hold Prehistory of the 1915 Genocide 26 'regard to justice and truth.' Thanking you in anticipation, I remain, Sir, your obedient servant, M. A. SYRIOTIS. Common Room, Gray's Inn, Aug. 21." The Chief Rabbi Gaster's blatant lies were easily refuted. The Rabbi's attempt to silence the truth with the shrill cry of "Jew-baiting" failed. The Times' Vienna Correspondent responded with a Letter to the Editor, which was published in The London Times on 27 July 1911, on page 5, "JEWS AND THE SITUATION IN ALBANIA. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir,-May I ask for space briefly to dissect the main misstatements contained in the letter addressed to you in regard to my despatch of the 11th inst. by Dr. Moses Gaster, the Haham or Chief Rabbi of the Sephardic Jewish Communities of England and Vice-President of the Anglo-Jewish Association? 1. Dr. Gaster describes the Salonika Committee Jews and Donmehs, like Emmanuel Carasso and Djavid Bey, as 'inoffensive lawyers and merchants,' but does not explain in what mercantile capacity Carasso joined the Committee Commission (which consisted, if I remember rightly, of only three or four individuals) that deposed Abdul Hamid; nor in what legal capacity Djavid Bey became Minister of Finance as a Committee nominee. As Dr. Gaster well knows, these men are influential politicians and, as such, bear their part of responsibility for the doings of the political organization with which they are prominently associated. 2. Since Dr. Gaster admits that a 'few Jews and the still less numerous Donmeh, a mere handful,' are playing a part 'in the Council of the Committee at Salonika and elsewhere,' what ground has he to declare offhand that the suggestion that they may be playing an important part is 'an insult to the Committee' in which 'there is not an atom of truth'? Can he truthfully deny that the principal Salonika Lodge of 'Macedonia,' of which Emmanuel Carasso was in 1907-8, and maybe still is, master, was one of the two earliest, if not the earliest, meeting place of the Committee and that the members of the Committee met there as Masons? Is it or is it not the case that in Masonic and cognate secret organizations, the greatest influence is wielded by a 'mere handful of men' holding high rank? Should Dr. Gaster deny either the important part played by Jews in Salonika Freemasonry or the intimate 27 The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians connexion between the Salonika Lodges and the...

Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians (2025)
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