How to Type O with an Accent in Word (Ò, Ó, Ô, Ö, or Õ) - Onsite Training (2025)

It can be helpful to type O with one of the available accents in Microsoft Word, especially if you create documents in languages other than English.

In this article, I’ll show you how to add the following accent marks to the letter O in Word:

  • Grave accent (Ò or ò)
  • Acute accent (Ó or ó)
  • Circumflex accent (Ô or ô)
  • Umlaut accent (Ö or ö)
  • Tilde accent (Õ or õ)

If you find this tutorial on adding accented letters to a document useful, you might want to check out our Microsoft Word training.

Are you ready to learn how to type o with an accent? Let’s do this!

3 Ways to Type O with an Accent Mark in Microsoft Word

Each of the following techniques accomplish the same thing – they let you add accented characters to a Microsoft Word document. Choose the method you’re most comfortable with.

Method #1: Use the Insert Symbol Dialog Box

To insert O with an accent mark using the Insert Symbol dialog box, do this:

  1. Select the Insert tab on the ribbon in Microsoft Word then click Symbol in the Symbols group .
  2. Click More Symbols.
    The character map dialog appears displaying symbols and special characters.
  3. Select the Symbols tab, if necessary then choose (normal text) from the font drop-down menu.
  4. Scroll through the list of symbols and select an accented letter.
  5. Click Insert then click Close.
How to Type O with an Accent in Word (Ò, Ó, Ô, Ö, or Õ) - Onsite Training (1)

In the screenshot, I needed to type o with an acute accent mark (ó) to the Spanish word cómo.

Method #2: Use the Alt Key to Add Accent Marks

You can enter alt codes using your numeric keypad to type O with accent marks to your Word document. Once you memorize these alt codes, this method will likely be quicker than using the Insert tab.

Hold the Alt key as you type the following four digit alt codes to type o with an accent character:

  • Alt + 0211 for Ó, upper case O with acute accent
  • Alt + 0243 for ó, lower case o with acute accent
  • Alt + 0210 for Ò, upper case O with grave accent
  • Alt + 0242 for ò, lower case o with acute accent
  • Alt + 0212 for Ô, upper case O with circumflex accent
  • Alt + 0244 for ô, lower case o with circumflex accent
  • Alt + 0214 for Ö, upper case O with umlaut accent
  • Alt + 0246 for ö, lower case o with umlaut accent
  • Alt + 0213 for Õ, upper case O with tilde accent
  • Alt + 0245 for õ, lower case o with tilde accent

These keyboard shortcuts work well if you have a full sized keyboard with a numeric keypad – just make sure your num lock key is enabled.

If you’re working on a laptop without a numeric keypad, you likely don’t have a full size keyboard layout. This method probably won’t work. If you’re stuck, you can always copy and paste the accented characters from this article into your Microsoft Word document!

Method #3: Use Ctrl Shortcut Keys

Microsoft Word also lets you use keyboard shortcuts with the Ctrl key.

Here are the Ctrl shortcut keys:

  • Ctrl + ‘ then press O for upper case Ó with an acute accent
  • Ctrl + ‘ then press o for lower case ó with an acute accent
  • Ctrl + ` then press O for upper case Ò with a grave accent
  • Ctrl + ` then press o for lower case ò with a grave accent
  • Ctrl + ^ (Ctrl + Shift + 6) then press O for upper case Ô with a circumflex accent
  • Ctrl + ^ (Ctrl + Shift + 6) then press o for lower case ô with a circumflex accent
  • Ctrl + : (Ctrl + Shift + semi-colon)then press O for upper case Ö with an umlaut accent
  • Ctrl + : (Ctrl + Shift + semi-colon)then press o for lower case ö with an umlaut accent
  • Ctrl + ~ (Ctrl + Shift + `) then press O for upper case Õ with a tilde accent
  • Ctrl + ~ (Ctrl + Shift + `) then press o for lower case õ with a tilde accent

I like these keyboard shortcuts because the symbols that you type resemble the accent marks that appear when you need an o with an accent!

Now You Know How to Type O with an Accent in Word!

Next time you need to type o with an accent mark in Microsoft Word, you can use one of the keyboard shortcuts described in this article.

Who knew it was so easy to type accented letters!

How to Type O with an Accent in Word (Ò, Ó, Ô, Ö, or Õ) - Onsite Training (2025)
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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.