Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (2024)

One of the most challenging aspects in the study of the cuprate superconductors is the conflicting observations and their interpretations from different experimental results. As the superconductivity in cuprates disappears above Tc, the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) studies revealed a Fermi arc, or a broken Fermi surface [14]. Opposingly, the magneto-transport measurements on underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+δ, (YBCO) and HgBa2Cu4O8+δ (HBCO) under an extremely high magnetic field show oscillatory behaviors in magnetization [5], in-plane [68] and out-of-plane resistivity [9], contactless resistivity [10] as well as in a Seebeck coefficient [11]. These quantum oscillation (QO) results combined with the Hall measurement [12] results suggest the existence of a closed electron-like Fermi surface in hole-doped cuprates in the underdoped regime [6]. Meanwhile, spectroscopic imaging scanning tunneling microscopy results on underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ (BSCCO) show a clear broken symmetry in real space: local density of states (LDOS) modulations showing checkerboard-like patterns that seem getting stronger as the superconductivity weakens [13, 14], while a pair density wave (PDW) [15, 16] is observed by scanning Josephson tunneling microscopy in the superconducting phase [17]. Under a magnetic field, the formation of vortices accompanied by four unit cell patterns on nearly optimally-doped BSCCO was observed by STM studies [1821]. However, there is no spectroscopic study on highly underdoped (HUD) cuprates under a high magnetic field, which can provide a clue to resolve the ostensible discrepancy.

We performed an STM experiment on a slightly underdoped (SUD) BSCCO sample with Tc = 91 K and a HUD BSCCO with Tc = 40 K with varying magnetic fields at 4.2 K. Figures 1(a)–(d) show topographic images of the cleaved BiO plane of an SUD BSCCO with changing magnetic fields from 0 to 5 T. All images are 38 nm × 38 nm in size and 200 × 200 pixels. The samples were heated up to 30 K whenever the applied magnetic field is changed before cooling it back to 4.2 K to distribute the vortices uniformly. Figures 1(e)–(h) are gap-maps of the same field of view (FOV) in figures 1(a)–(d), respectively, showing similar gap distributions (figure S1) for all 4 FOV's shown. Figures 1(i)–(l) show differential conductance maps g (r, E, B) at E = 8 meV. Superconducting vortices are discernible by the well-known four unit cell checkerboard-like core structures [18] on the maps in low energies (Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (1) < 12 meV) under the magnetic fields (figure S2). As the magnetic field is increased, the number of vortices also increases. We confirmed that each vortex contains a superconducting flux quantum through a large FOV scanning (figure S3). Wu et al [22] suggested that the vortex core structure of Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (2) periodicity [18] comes from a static charge order while Machida et al [21] reported that the vortex core structures are the vortex-enhanced quasiparticle interference (QPI). We find that the vortex core structure is not static but varies as the sample bias changes (figure S2), and the period of this pattern is about Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (3) at E = 8 meV (figures 1(j)–(l)).

Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (4)

To analyze the energy-dependent variation of the vortex core patterns further, we masked out the vortex (VR) and non-vortex regions (NVRs) of the conductance map at 5 T separately (see masking method and detailed description in supplementary materials). We performed a two-dimensional Fourier transformation (2DFT) to each masked conductance map, and the results are shown in figures 2(a)–(d). In the VR, q1* peaks have the strongest intensity at the low energy (red circle in figure 2(c)) while in the NVR, q1* peaks are much weaker (figure 2(d)). Two-dimensional image plots of the line-cut along the qx direction (figures 2(e) and (f)) show that the vortex core pattern associated with q1 * is neither a non-dispersing static order nor an enhanced QPI. The q1 * from the VR disperses from −12 meV to 12 meV, where the vortex checkerboard is observable. Remarkably, instead of showing a p–h symmetric dispersion as in the QPI following an octet model in the superconducting phase [23], the dispersion showed a p–h asymmetric behavior. On the other hand, the q1 * in the NVR shows a dispersion similar to the q1*'s in the 0 T field: a p–h symmetric QPI (figure S5).

It was reported that the density modulations in the HUD BSCCO above Tc show a similar dispersion as q1* in the VR in our result [24]. Moreover, Lee et al [25] predicted that the pseudogap states could be observed inside the vortices as well. To verify, we conducted a magnetic field dependent scan on a HUD BSCCO (Tc = 40 K). Figure 3 shows spectroscopic imaging results on a HUD BSCCO sample at 0 T and 13 T at the same FOV at 4.2 K. Since each vortex has a superconducting magnetic flux quantum (figure S3), one can expect about 4 or 5 vortices within the FOV. Unlike the SUD experiment, however, no vortex was found within our instrumental limit. Furthermore, on the HUD BSCCO, the checkerboard-like pattern spanned to an extended area and showed a similar p–h asymmetric dispersion in both measurements with and without magnetic fields (figures 3(c) and (d)). We subtracted the g map at 0 T from the g map at 13 T at the Fermi energy and 8 meV respectively (figure 3(g)), and we found that the relative intensity of not only q1* but q5* was higher in 13 T than in 0 T. To check if the dispersions in the VR and HUD are related, we plotted the q1 * in different doping and magnetic field conditions in figure 3(h). All three q1 * except in the NVR showed an electron-like dispersion (figure 3(h)). Our result shows the similar p–h asymmetrically dispersing (figure 3(h)) density of state (DOS) modulations both in VR on the SUD BSCCO and in an extended area on the HUD BSCCO's case at 13 T as well as 0 T without a trace of vortices, which have a striking resemblance to the dispersing patterns reported on the underdoped BSCCO above Tc [24]. Only NVR shows a p–h symmetric QPI dispersion following an octet model [23] at q1 location. As the magnetic field is increased and the doping level is lowered, the p–h asymmetric DOS modulation became stronger and expanded in an area rather than localized at the vortex core regions. By integrating the LDOS maps g (r, E) from −30 meV to 0 meV, we obtained modulated features in all three cases: VR on HUD BSCCO at 0 T and HUD BSCCO at 13 T (figure S9) with a q1 * (in the unit of Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (6)) value of about 0.21–0.225, which is a conventional way to obtain a charge distribution near the Fermi energy. This result suggests that the p–h asymmetric DOS modulation we present in this paper and the bilateral charge density wave (CDW) reported in a wide range of cuprates [2629], can be of the same origin. From this observation, we developed a model that explains how the existence of such DOS modulation can have an impact on transport measurements, especially the QO results on underdoped cuprates [6].

Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (7)

Under a much higher magnetic field and at a low temperature, the DOS in conductors rearranges into a series of Landau levels (LL's), as shown in figures 4(a) and (b). In such circ*mstances, many phenomena, including quantum Hall effect [30], de Haas van-Alphen effect [31], and Aharonov—Bohm effect [32], can emerge. Recently, QO has been reported in cuprates, including underdoped YBCO [6], HBCO [8], overdoped TBCO [33], and electron-doped PCCO [34] under extremely high magnetic fields. The oscillatory behavior was observed in in-plane and out-of-plane resistivity, contactless resistivity [610] as well as magnetic torque measurements [5]. Previously, these QO phenomena in underdoped p-type cuprates were explained in terms of a reconstructed Fermi surface and conventional Fermi liquid theory [5]. Still, such explanations are in debate due to a lack of evidence of a closed Fermi surface in underdoped cuprates at the pseudogap phase. ARPES measurements report a 'Fermi arc' [14], which makes a simple Fermi liquid interpretation challenging. Here, we suggest a simple but novel approach to explain the QO phenomena entirely in terms of the nano-scale real space features such as the DOS modulations we presented in this paper. There is an example of the magnetic field dependent oscillations that originated from a real space modulation. Weiss oscillations or commensurability oscillations [3537] is due to the interplay between the charge carriers' cyclotron orbit and the periodic potential, usually under a weaker magnetic field far before the formation of LL's [38]. However, such oscillations cannot explain the oscillations in magnetization observed in QO results on cuprates.

Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (8)

Once the Landau quantization sets in the cuprates, which are non-superconducting at a high magnetic field as in QO experiments, one needs to consider a new set of sum rules. In low temperatures, the charge carriers or quasiparticles fill up the LL's starting from the lowest LL. At a given magnetic field B and a sample size of A, each LL has the number of occupiable states of Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (18), where Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (19) is a flux quantum. Then the total number of the quasiparticles N should satisfy

Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (20)

where n is the index of the highest occupied LL and m is an integer satisfying Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (21). That is, the occupation of the LL's is completely determined by two integers: n and m. Rearranging equation (1), we derive

Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (22)

where Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (23) represents roughly an area per quasiparticle which changes as B changes. Let the actual size of an orbit of a quasiparticle in nth LL Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (24), and it is clear that Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (25) will be proportional to Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (26) and Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (27) changes as n and m changes according to the variation of B (figures 4(c) and (d)). For a simplicity, we will use Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (28) instead of Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (29) as an estimated orbit size in nth LL in the following argument. If the orbit or circumference of the Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (30) corresponds to a specific loop where LDOS is high, the number of orbiting quasiparticles will increase greatly, resulting in an increase of the relevant magneto-transport quantities, including magnetization and in-plane conductivity. Let the area of such a high LDOS loop be Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (31). Varying n and B, we have a new resonance condition of Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (32), or

Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (33)

where we define a magneto frequency Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (34). From this relation, we can estimate the size of Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (35). For example, using the value of F ∼ 530 T reported from the QO result on an underdoped YBCO [6], we obtain an area Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (36) for the Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (37). This value is comparable to about an area of Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (38) (Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (39)), where the lattice constant (Cu–Cu distance) of the CuO2 plane Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (40) in cuprates. This area corresponds to red squares in figure 4(e) in our data on BSCCO and the length of the squares' sides is twice the commonly known four-unit cell modulation period which is related to our observed q1 * as 2Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (41)/ q1 * ∼ Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (42). If we assume the CDW's q vector ∼0.3 reported in YBCO [29, S46] as q1 *, Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (43) Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (44)Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (45) which is even closer to our estimated value of the Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (46). The estimated Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (47) size fits remarkably well to a DOS modulation mesh, which is omnipresent in energies near the Fermi energy even at the magnetic field of 13 T in the HUD BSCCO, as shown in figure 3(b). The resonance between the high DOS area in the modulations and the Landau orbits is illustrated in figures 4(c) and (d), which show the orbit of a quasiparticle in the highest LL containing a Fermi level (black square) coinciding with (figure 4(c)), and non-coinciding (figure 4(d)) with a given Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (48) pattern (red square). Our simple model captures almost all of the features of the QO results, including but not limited to a dominating Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (49), an increase of the oscillation amplitude (due to the increase of DOS of LL with increased B) without an assumption of a well-defined closed Fermi surface. Even a cause of the reported small side oscillations [5, 9, 10] can be speculated (figure S8). As shown in figure 3(h), quasiparticles, which can cause such resonance, should originate from the electron-like dispersing modulations, which also agrees with the reported Hall probe results on the hole-doped cuprates under magnetic fields where QO was observed [12]. Another STM study on VR reports a pronounced periodicity of Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (50), which also seems to substantiate our model, although their results are only in a vicinity of vortices, and they argued that the modulation is related to the PDW [15, 16, 39]. Theoretically, a period-8 d-density wave order was also suggested regarding the origin of the QO in underdoped YBCO [40]. In our model, however, the Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (51) area is not a uniquely fixed value, unlike the fixed pocket size assumed in the Fermi pocket picture. Indeed, there is a report on QO magneto frequency of about 270 T [41], which corresponds to a Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (52) area from equation (3), which contains 9 plaquettes of the area Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (53) (figure S9). In this argument, our model not only explains the multiple QO frequencies but also predicts more frequencies unreported experimentally.

To estimate the quasiparticle density, we can inverse the Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (54) yielding a quasiparticle areal density Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (55) which matches remarkably well with the electron density Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (56) (0.038 electron per Cu atom) estimated from the QO result [6, 12] considering a factor of 2 due to the bi-layer nature of the CuO2 planes. This comparison can be understood in the sense that the area of the electron pocket suggested in a conventional QO interpretation can be translated into an inverse of the real space area Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (57) from our model multiplied by Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (58).

In conclusion, we discovered a p–h asymmetric dispersion of the DOS modulations inside the superconducting vortices on an SUD BSCCO, and the dispersion was electron-like, unlike a conventional CDW. On a HUD BSCCO, we could not find any sign of vortices up to 13 T but we found a globally expanded DOS modulations displaying the same p–h asymmetric, electron-like dispersion as the patterns inside the vortices in the SUD BSCCO. Due to the lack of direct spectroscopic evidence of small electron-like pockets on hole underdoped cuprates and based on our observations, we propose an alternative model of the QO results on hole underdoped cuprates in a simple picture of the commensurate resonance between the quasiparticle orbit of the highest Landau level due to the magnetic field and the DOS modulations, which does not require a Fermi surface reconstruction nor a closed Fermi surface as proposed previously. Our result implies that the dispersive DOS modulations can impose a significant impact on magneto-transport properties as well as spectroscopic features. Furthermore, our result implies that these modulated LDOS features can be the basis of the ground states just before the superconducting ground states appear. Two important questions still remain. How is this DOS modulation formed? How does high-Tc superconductivity emerge from such an unusual electronic structure?

We thank the following people for discussions and communications: K McElroy, J J Yu, K H Kim, T W Noh, C Y Kim, I Lee, C K Kim, K Fujita, H J Choi and J C Seamus Davis. This work was supported by the Institute for Basic Science in Korea (Grant No. IBS-R009-G2) and Research Resettlement Fund for the new faculty of Seoul National University. This work was also supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIP) (No. 2017R1A2B3009576) and the Institute of Applied Physics of Seoul National University.

The data cannot be made publicly available upon publication because they are not available in a format that is sufficiently accessible or reusable by other researchers. The data that support the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request from the authors.

K S L and J-J K carried out the experiments; K S L, J-J K, S H J, M S P and J H Y built instrumentation; G G synthesized and characterized the samples; K S L, and J L developed and carried out the analysis. J L supervised the project and wrote the paper, with key contributions from K S L and J-J K The manuscript reflects the contributions and ideas of all authors.

The authors declare no competing interests.

The high quality SUD BSCCO with Tc = 91 K and HUD BSCCO with Tc = 40 K single crystals were grown by floating zone method. The transition temperature of both samples was determined by magnetization measurement. We performed an STM experiment at 4.2 K with applying magnetic fields of 0 T, 2 T, 4 T, and 5 T to the SUD sample and 0 T, 13 T to the HUD sample. All fields are applied perpendicular to the CuO2 planes of the samples. The samples were cleaved in-situ at low-temperature ultra-high vacuum and revealed an atomically clean and flat BiO plane. We took the differential conductance map g (r, E, B) using a standard lock-in method with a modulation bias of 2 meV. A chemically-etched tungsten wire was used as an STM tip and adopted an in-situ high field emission method on a single crystal gold surface for sharpening. Whenever applied magnetic field changes, the samples were heated up to 30 K for an hour to distributed vortices uniformly.

Atomic-scale interpretation of the quantum oscillations in cuprate superconductors (2024)
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